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Saturday, September 28, 2019

"Hate" at Notre Dame

As I was scrolling through the American Conservative website, I was looking for an article that related to class. Finally, I come across an article by Rob Dreher called “Anti-Catholic Hate at Notre Dame.” Outside of BeBartolo Hall at the University of Notre Dame, there was a sign that has caught national attention on social media.

The sign read “There is Queer Blood on Homophobic Hands.” The Irish Rover and the Observer articles were plastered over it, suggesting that those writers are the ones who have “queer blood on their hands.” The articles talk about the “Catholic doctrine regarding human sexuality.” The sign was also covered in blood red paint, which was used to circle names and faces of current students, faculty and even alumni. As of right now, no one knows who is responsible for it.

Dreher includes that the Director of Gender Relations, Anne Jarrett publicly supported the incident. He goes on to criticize them, questioning as to why Jarrett would agree with the poster if their main responsibility of their job is to “foster a healthy environment of communication and dialogue.” He even includes a tweet from their profile in the article to continue to criticize them (I found Jarrett’s twitter account, but it’s private probably because of this article).

Dreher believes that whoever put this sign up “attacked free speech.” So, it’s fine that the writers of the Irish Rover and Observer articles can use their first amendment right to discuss sexuality in regard to Catholicism but when those who took offense to it defend themselves, it’s “trying to incite violence.” Yes, the sign may have been a little much, but it is their right to defend themselves however they can—especially in our societal climate.

Another thing Dreher did that I didn’t like was the tweet he added from Anne Jarrett’s twitter account and stated that Jarrett’s pronouns are “they/them.” I don’t know, I just felt like he was being sarcastic and rude.

I don’t necessarily know if the Irish Rover and Observer articles were bashing the LGBT+ community, but it had to have been bad if this is how someone responded.

Cited Source (link)
Anti-Catholic Hate at Notre Dame by Rob Dreher

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